School of Art and Design History and Theory, Parsons School of Design.
M.A. in Fashion Studies with an emphasis on fashion as a practice facilitating agentive identity construction. Thesis: “That Was My Veil”: Sartorial and Cosmetic Constructions of Resilience in Divorced Women. Advisor: Christina Moon, Ph.D.
Department of Sociology & Anthropology, University of Texas at Arlington. B.A. in Anthropology and minor in Art History.
Dean of School of Design and Technology, London College of Fashion.
Invited by the institution to apply.
Fashion Curator, Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) Boston.
Invited by the institution to apply and interview.
2019 - 2022
Assistant Professor, School of Fashion, Faculty of Communication & Design, Ryerson University.
2013 - 2019
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Fashion, Pratt Institute.
2013 - 2019
Part-time lecturer, Department of Art and Design History and Theory and School of Fashion, Parsons School of Design.
APFY 1011 Integrative Seminar 2: Fashion
PLFS 1050 NYC: Fashion
PLFS 1432 Fashion History: Survey
PUFD 2050 Fashion Culture
PLFS 3015 Fashion and Race
PLFS 3147 Fashion and Violence
PLFS 3500 Advanced Research Seminar
PGHT 5562 Fashion and Justice
Served on design student critique panels (various courses)
Honors: The faculty award for “Outstanding Achievement in Diversity and Social Justice Teaching,” (recipient, May 2018) “The Distinguished University Teaching Award,” (nominee, February 2018).
Awards: Innovation in Education Fund (Proposal: “The Fashion and Race Syllabus: Mapping a Decentralized Approach to Fashion History and Design Practice”), Part-Time Faculty Development Fund (2017).
Workshops & Intensives
Workshop: Building a Fashion Curriculum Based on Liberation, The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education, Department of Global Communications, The American University of Paris.
2017 - 2019
Instructor and Co-Organizer with Dr. Jonathan M. Square, The Fashion & Justice Workshop
Locations and dates: Bard Graduate Center, November 9, 2019; Columbia College Chicago, April 19-20, 2019; The Phluid Project, New York, June 2, 2018; The Contemporary Museum of Austin, Texas, February 3, 2018; Parsons School of Design, New York, July 15, 2017.
Assistant Teaching